Green Certified Product Detail

NGBS point-worthy green home building products for NGBS Green Certification.

Viance Preserve (CA) Pressure Treated Lumber

Product Information

Preserve® is a family of soluble copper-based preservative solutions for exterior wood products. Copper azole (CA type C) is a wood preservative formulation made of soluble copper and uses organic triazoles to control copper-tolerant fungi.


      NGBS 2015
      Practice # Practice Points Available Additional Conditions of Use to Earn Points
      503.2(4) Erosion reduced through use of terracing, retaining walls, landscaping and restabilization. 6 Retaining walls built with this product must be an integral part of the installed landscape plan designed to limit long-term erosion.

      Preserve CA can be used in ground contact appilcations, such as retaining walls.

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      602.1.6 Termite-resistant materials are used in portions of the building. 2-6 To earn 2 points, product is used in conjunction with other termite-resistant materials for the first 2 feet of all the foundation, floor, and structural wall, wall cladding, and exterior deck components in zones with slight to moderate termite infestation. Four points are awarded when used in the first 3 feet in moderate to heavy termite zones, and 6 points are awarded for use in all of the foundation, floor, and structural wall, wall cladding, and exterior deck components in areas of very heavy termites.

      Preserve CA provides long-term protection from fungal decay and termite attack, and is building code approved (IBC/IRC).

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      NGBS 2020
      Practice # Practice Points Available Additional Conditions of Use to Earn Points
      503.2(4) Erosion reduced through use of terracing, retaining walls, landscaping and restabilization. 6 Retaining walls built with this product must be an integral part of the installed landscape plan designed to limit long-term erosion.

      Preserve CA can be used in ground contact appilcations, such as retaining walls.

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      602.1.6 Termite-resistant materials are used in portions of the building. 2-6 To earn 2 points, product is used in conjunction with other termite-resistant materials for the first 2 feet of all the foundation, floor, and structural wall, wall cladding, and exterior deck components in zones with slight to moderate termite infestation. Four points are awarded when used in the first 3 feet in moderate to heavy termite zones, and 6 points are awarded for use in all of the foundation, floor, and structural wall, wall cladding, and exterior deck components in areas of very heavy termites.

      Preserve CA provides long-term protection from fungal decay and termite attack, and is building code approved (IBC/IRC).

      Manufacturer’s Comments