Custom Testing & Certification
Prove the advantages of your product over competitors
Does your product have a special feature or attribute that provides benefits over your competitors' products? Does it save time? Is it more durable than other products in its class? Does it reduce installation mistakes? Home Innovation can conduct customized tests to demonstrate above-standard performance metrics of your product.
Your Claims – Verified
We can evaluate any product, or any product's feature or benefit, that is important to your marketing goals. You identify the attributes you want tested and the marketing claims you want to substantiate, and we deliver the independent, third-party data to back up your assertions.
Our Laboratory Services Division is an ISO 17025 accredited test lab, with a state-of-the-art product testing laboratory – credibility is our currency, and you can bank your reputation on ours.
Different than our Home Innovation Lab Certified™ or NGBS Green Certified™ marks, which demonstrate compliance with specific national codes or standards, custom product testing and custom material testing allows you to show that your product has been tested within Home Innovation's full-service laboratory, using industry-accepted practices, to prove performance claims for your product.
If you have a new, innovative, or just plain better building product, and you're looking for a flexible, affordable, credible product certification tailored to your specific needs, Home Innovation's Lab Tested services are here for you. Contact us to see how we can help set you apart from your competitors.