
Evaluation of the Lateral Performance of Roof Truss-to-Wall Connections in Light Light-Frame Wood Systems

The 2009 International Residential Code (IRC) includes new requirements for roof-to-wall connections (Section R602.10.6) at braced wall panels. These new requirements were introduced in a related effort to the work of the ICC Ad Hoc Committee on Wall Bracing with the intent to clarify or, where appropriate, reinforce the lateral load path between the roof and the braced wall panels of the supporting walls below. Particularly, significant changes were introduced for homes with high-heel trusses or deep rafters and for homes located in high hazard areas (wind speeds of 100 mph or higher or Seismic Design Category D0, D1, or D2). The requirements include provisions for additional fastening, blocking, knee walls, sheathing, or a combination of those elements. These requirements were further clarified and refined for the 2012 IRC.

The new requirements are labor intensive and have implications on the cost and time of construction, particularly as high-heel roof configurations become more common as a solution for meeting increasing energy efficiency standards. The proposed testing program is designed to benchmark the performance of traditional roof systems and incrementally-improved roof-to-wall systems with the goal of developing connection solutions that are optimized for performance and constructability.

Evaluation of the Lateral Performance of Roof Truss-to-Wall Connections in Light Light-Frame Wood Systems
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