Education Opportunities

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NGBS Green - Continuing Education Opportunities

Home Innovation offers educational programming related to the ICC-700 National Green Building Standard® (NGBS), NGBS Green certification options, and relevant green building topics. Whether you are new to the NGBS or looking to connect with Home Innovation in a new way, connect with us to learn more about opportunities to increase the efficiency, durability, and performance of homes. For builders and sales agents, there are specialized programs to help you hone your green marketing and grow your business.

Course Accreditations

Home Innovation is recognized as a Continuing Education provider through the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and a Preferred Education Provider through the International Code Council (ICC). Some of the courses listed below have been pre-approved for 1-hour of credit through AIA and ICC. (Please note: credit is only available for live online or in-person presentations. Reviewing the slides alone does not qualify an individual for credits.)

Many, if not all, presentations listed here will contribute toward the continuing education requirements of NGBS Green Verifier accreditation.

Recorded Webinars

Our team periodically hosts educational programming for our partners and clients. To participate in these events in real-time, check out our Events page for upcoming offerings.

Request a Speaker

We have a network of experts (Home Innovation staff, NGBS Green Verifiers, and partners) who are available to present to your staff team. Whether the event is a typical Lunch-and-Learn format, evening reception with speaker, or larger conference, we’ve got you covered! Submit a request through our Contact Us portal to schedule a presenter.

AIA and ICC Approved Course Descriptions

  • 2020 NGBS Overview
    In 2008 the National Green Building Standard ICC – 700 (NGBS) earned ANSI approval as the first green rating system for residentially-used buildings. NGBS Green offered the industry a flexible, rigorous, and affordable path to third-party green certification, and within a short period of time, architects, developers, owners, agencies, and financial institutions catapulted the NGBS to be the leading national residential green certification program. Since then, over 200,000 homes and apartments have earned NGBS Green certification and over 130,000 homes are in-process to earn certification. ANSI recently approved the 2020 NGBS, the third version to date, with an expanded scope that applies to mixed-use buildings, assisted living facilities, hotels, dormitories, lodging houses, and even monasteries. The 2020 NGBS includes a certification path for the commercial space of mixed-use buildings; greater flexibility for existing buildings being renovated or converted; a new performance path for water efficiency; and new practices designed to promote resiliency, universal design, wellness.
  • NGBS Green Remodel: What You Need to Know
    Existing multifamily and mixed-use buildings can use the National Green Building Standard ICC-700 (NGBS) to earn green certification when the buildings are renovated to be more sustainable and efficient. The NGBS accommodates building renovation activities from moderate renovation up to gut rehab and even conversions. NGBS Green is flexible, affordable, and rigorous and certification can help the building be eligible for a host of financing and other incentives.

    An On-Demand version of this course is Coming Soon! Click here to sign up for our E-Newsletter and keep up-to-date on everything NGBS Green.

Non-AIA and Non-ICC Approved Course Descriptions

  • What Do Manufacturers Need to Know About the NGBS
    Looking to connect with green builders? Join this webinar to learn more about strategic marketing opportunities to connect with developers, builders, and architects.

    The NGBS offers a flexible, credible, and affordable rating system for single- and multifamily buildings, either new construction or renovation. NGBS certification provides architects and builders with an opportunity to improve the performance of their buildings in a cost-effective way before more stringent building codes and energy efficiency requirements are mandated.

    Come learn about the certification requirements, process, and participating builders, as well as opportunities for manufacturers to access NGBS builders and architects. In addition to providing a program introduction, this session will serve as a Train-the-Trainer session. Manufacturers will leave equipped to host AIA-approved continuing education sessions for architect firms about the NGBS, positioning their company as a green building expert/resource.
  • How to Sell NGBS Green Certified Homes
    Consumer research indicates that homebuyers value and seek green home features, but connecting directly with local green-minded homebuyers can be difficult. View this presentation to better understand the marketing themes that resonate with homebuyers and best practices for marketing NGBS Green Certified homes.

NGBS Green Continuing Education Complaint Resolution Policy

Have you had an issue with any of our courses or presenters? Click here to read our Complaint Resolution Policy and learn how to Contact Us to submit a complaint.


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