Green Certified Product Detail

NGBS point-worthy green home building products for NGBS Green Certification.

BamCore Prime Wall System

Product Information

BamCore’s Prime Wall™ is a high-performance framing solution for commercial and residential low-rise construction. BamCore's patented carbon negative framing systems offer superior strength, thermal performance, and acoustic insulation compared to traditional materials. The systems arrive precut for rapid assembly without specialized labor or heavy equipment.


      NGBS 2015
      Practice # Practice Points Available Additional Conditions of Use to Earn Points
      601.2(1) Structural systems are implemented that reduce and optimize material usage. Minimum structural member sizes necessary in accordance with advanced framing techniques. 3 None.

      The customizable panelized Prime Wall system eliminates about 90% of wood studs, headers, and posts to reduce thermal bridging and air leakage, saving operating dollars year after year.

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      601.2(2) Higher-grade or higher strength of the same material than commonly specified for structual elements are used. 3 None.

      BamCore Prime Wall is stronger in compression strength compared 2x6 and 2x8 conventional framed wall. The core BamCore is timber bamboo, which is known in other countries as "vegetal steel."

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      601.2(3) Performance-based structural design is used to optimize lateral force-resisting systems. 3 None.

      The BamCore Prime Wall is stronger in compression strength compared to 2x6 and 2x8 conventional framed walls. The sides are ¼" each of vertically orientated engineered timber bamboo slats. Timber bamboo is often referred to as "vegetal steel."

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      601.3(2) Building dimensions & layouts reduce material cuts & waste in at least 80% of wall area. 3 Bamcore must be used for at least 80% of the wall area.

      The customizable panelized Prime Wall system eliminates about 90% of wood studs, headers, and posts. Plus, every door, window, outlet, etc., is precut with nail patterns and lines clearly drawn for MEPI, saving time and reducing job site waste.

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      601.4 Detailed framing/structural plans, material lists, on-site cut lists for framing/structural materials are provided. 4 None.

      BamCore Prime Wall panels are delivered to the job numbered and precut for every door, window, switch, and outlet opening. Nail patterns and MEPI lines are clearly drawn on the panels for fast and easy installation.

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      601.5(2) Wall Systems 4 None.

      • BamCore Prime Walls are delivered to the job sequentially numbered and precut for every door, window, switch, and outlet. Nail patterns and MEPI lines are clearly drawn on the panels, reducing waste and speeding the build.

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      602.1.7.3 Building envelope assemblies are designed for moisture control based on documented hygrothermal simulation of field study analysis. 4 None.

      The BamCore Prime Wall is thermally superior by 40%, lowers air leakage by 60%, and can breathe out water vapor 4 to 8 times better than a conventional wall. This efficient expelling of water vapor also reduces the risk of mold by an average of 78%.

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      606.1 Biobased products are used. 8 points maximum awarded. 8 Two biobased products must be used to earn points for this practice. BamCore would count as 1 product. To earn 3 points, the products must be more than 0.05% of project’s construction costs. To earn 6 points, the products must be at least 1% of the construction material cost must be used. More points are available for using additional biobased materials.
      608.1(2) Engineered wood products are used. 3 None.

      BamCore harnesses highly renewable timber bamboo's strength into a customizable prefabricated Prime Wall system, which is thermally superior, reduces air leakage, and has a lower mold risk than conventional walls.

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      NGBS 2020
      Practice # Practice Points Available Additional Conditions of Use to Earn Points
      601.2(1) Structural systems are implemented that reduce and optimize material usage. Minimum structural member sizes necessary in accordance with advanced framing techniques. 3 None.

      The customizable panelized Prime Wall system eliminates about 90% of wood studs, headers, and posts to reduce thermal bridging and air leakage, saving operating dollars year after year.

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      601.2(2) Higher-grade or higher strength of the same material than commonly specified for structural elements is used. 3 None.

      BamCore's bamboo-based hollow Prime Wall system delivers water vapor transmission rate that matches the range of rates found in commonly used house wraps.

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      601.2(3) Performance-based structural design is used to optimize lateral force-resisting systems. 3 None.

      The BamCore Prime Wall is stronger in compression strength compared to 2x6 and 2x8 conventional framed walls. The sides are ¼" each of vertically orientated engineered timber bamboo slats. Timber bamboo is often referred to as "vegetal steel."

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      601.3(2) Building dimensions & layouts reduce material cuts & waste in at least 80% of wall area. 3 BamCore must be used for at least 80% of the wall area.

      The customizable panelized Prime Wall system eliminates about 90% of wood studs, headers, and posts. Plus, every door, window, outlet, etc., is precut with nail patterns and lines clearly drawn for MEPI, saving time and reducing job site waste.

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      601.4 Detailed framing/structural plans, material lists, on-site cut lists for framing/structural materials are provided. 4 None.

      BamCore Prime Wall panels are delivered to the job numbered and precut for every door, window, switch, and outlet opening. Nail patterns and MEPI lines are clearly drawn on the panels for fast and easy installation.

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      601.5.2 At least 90% of the wall system is precut or preassembled. 4 points available. 4 None.

      BamCore Prime Walls are delivered to the job sequentially numbered and precut for every door, window, switch, and outlet. Nail patterns and MEPI lines are clearly drawn on the panels, reducing waste and speeding the build.

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      602.1.7.3 Building envelope assemblies are designed for moisture control based on documented hygrothermal simulation or field study analysis. 4 points available. 4 None.

      The BamCore Prime Wall is thermally superior by 40%, lowers air leakage by 60%, and can breathe out water vapor 4 to 8 times better than a conventional wall. This efficient expelling of water vapor also reduces the risk of mold by an average of 78%.

      Manufacturer’s Comments
      606.1(1-3) Biobased products are used. 8 points maximum awarded. 3-8 Two biobased products must be used to earn points for this practice. Bamcore would count as 1 product. To earn 3 points, the products must be more than 0.05% of project’s construction costs. To earn 6 points, the products must be at least 1% of the construction material cost must be used. More points are available for using additional biobased materials.
      608.1(2) Engineered wood or engineered steel products are used in place of conventional products. 3 points awarded per material. 3 None.

      BamCore harnesses highly renewable timber bamboo's strength into a customizable prefabricated Prime Wall system, which is thermally superior, reduces air leakage, and has a lower mold risk than conventional walls.

      Manufacturer’s Comments