Green Land Development
Certification Process

Step by step process for a development to get NGBS Green Certified.

NGBS Green Land Development Certification Process

Residential land developments/communities seeking green certification under the ICC 700 National Green Building Standard (NGBS) have three options. The first is for the developer to apply for certification once all land development activities are complete and all NGBS green practices claimed toward certification have been incorporated into the development. A second option for larger developments with longer build-out plans, is for a developer to seek certification for individual phases of the development. Finally, developers may seek a Letter of Approval from Home Innovation Research Labs in advance of the land development activities that indicates the development, as designed, is eligible for certification to the NGBS provided it is developed in accordance with the plans we reviewed. The steps for green land development certification are provided in more detail below.

Step 1:     Score the land development using the Land Development Scoring Spreadsheet. Record the points for each practice to be used in the "Points Claimed" column of the worksheet. Add any explanatory notes in the "Developer's Notes" area at the end of each major section.
Step 2:    Select an accredited verifier who will register the project and obtain a unique Project ID. Be sure to note the required documentation as listed in the "Documentation Required" column of the scoring spreadsheet and provide that along with the spreadsheet to your verifier.
Step 3:   


  If a Letter of Approval is desired, have your accredited verifier complete the Letter of Approval verification, which will be submitted to Home Innovation Research Labs for review.


  For certification of either the entire development or phases therein, have your verifier complete the Verification Report, which will be sent to Home Innovation Labs for review.
Step 4:    Complete the Project Information Form and submit to Home Innovation Labs.
Step 5:    Submit the certification fee to Home Innovation Labs. Separate fees are assessed for each Letter of Approval or certificate.
Step 6:    Home Innovation Labs will review the Letter of Approval Verification or the Completed Verification Report and issue a Letter of Approval or a "Home Innovation NGBS Green Certified" certificate, provided the submission meets the certification requirements.

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