Ed Hudson, MBA
October 25, 2012
Building Product Market Opps: Attics & Crawlspaces
What's lurking in those dark attics and creepy crawlspaces just in time for Halloween? Market opportunities, if you know what to look for. An Home Innovation Research Labs nationwide survey of builders earlier this month showed some interesting new trends in unvented attics and crawlspaces.
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Amber Wood, PE
October 18, 2012
Deck the Walls with Insulation
What's one of the "low-hanging fruits" when creating an extremely energy-efficient home? Wall insulation. Be sure not to overlook some of the best practices in this area that can get you closer to your high-performance home goals.
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Thomas Kenney, PE
October 11, 2012
It's Hip to be Square Footage Savvy
The Home Innovation Research Labs recently ushered the ANSI square footage standard through a regular review and updating process. Are you confident in your ability to assess square footage? This standard can be a huge benefit.
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Michelle Foster
October 4, 2012
Got Third-Party Certification?
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued updated Green Guides earlier this week that emphasize the value of third-party certifications in minimizing potential consumer confusion and "greenwashing." A must-read for those who market their homes as green.
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